Vision and Mission

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Our aim for all students and staff, whatever their learning needs, is to be active, life-long learners.


Surrey Hills Primary School will provide a seamless educational journey which values and addresses each individual and their role as a citizen in their communities.


We will build and sustain a learning environment that promotes students’ health, safety and wellbeing. Our aim for all students in the school, whatever their learning needs, is to be active, life-long learners. To achieve this goal the school will be a place in which students develop the following capabilities:
A positive attitude towards learning.
Fundamental skills in literacy, numeracy and self-expression, which will enable them to be successful across all areas of learning.
The personal, communication and social skills necessary to work independently and within groups.
Experience in innovation, creativity and problem solving.
Confidence to deal with technological and culture change.
Skills they will use in the wider community and changing workplace.
The ability to access information and reflect upon it.

Guiding Principles

  1. Teaching staff will have responsibility for the education of all students and in particular those in their units.
  2. The Victorian Curriculum provides the framework under which educational provision at Surrey Hills Primary School will be planned and implemented.
  3. All spaces, both internal and external will be considered as potential learning spaces.
  4. The majority of furniture and equipment resources will be mobile to enable changing and flexible creation of learning areas.
  5. Teamwork will underpin the working method of the school.
  6. Resources are defined as incorporating facilities, furniture, equipment, materials, finances and personal.
  7. Allocation of resources will be student focussed to maximise student learning.
  8. All staff and students will be responsible for ensuring facilities and equipment are used and maintained with pride.
  9. Homegroups will be characterised by the membership: the teacher/s and students, not be area.
  10. Operational noise levels and organisation of spaces both internal and external will be actively monitored and discussed within and between teams regularly.


  • Respect
  • Resilience
  • Responsibility
  • Creativity
  • Teamwork
  • Honesty.