Refund Policy

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The school must ensure that the provision of services for students, (i.e. excursions/camps/visiting groups/services) do not incur direct costs to the school, nor cause the school to run at a loss.


To provide a fair and equitable refund system.


1. Where the school is charged for the provision of a program or service as a bulk cost and not a “per head” cost, no refund is able to be given.
2. Where a “per head” fee is charged refunds are able to be given.
3. Where there is a combination of a bulk charge and a “per head” charge in an excursion eg: visit to the zoo – Bus charge is a bulk cost and the entry fee is a “per head” cost, Only the “per head” component may be able to be refunded.
4. Refunds will only be given when requested in writing within 21 days of the event.
5. The Principal will have the capacity to view special circumstances on an individual basis.
6. Refunds will not be given if the refund will cause a financial loss to the school.


Finance Committee will review the Refund Policy annually and bring any recommendations to School Council